Justs thoughts, rants, jokes, poems, and anything else I can think of to type.
Did I birth an idiot or is this normal???
Published on August 8, 2005 By Steven Peaple In Parenting
Every morning it's the same thing. Looking for what my kid did wrong in the time it takes for me to wake up. Not that I sleep in until noon or anything. Most days not even an hour after he gets up.
He knows the rules and will tell them to you. But every morning, even if I have only been sleeping ten minutes passed what he did. There's something that he has gotten into or broken or something.
I've tried everything from trying to wake up before he does to takeing every possible thing he could get into and hideing it or putting it up. Then I've tried with him, grounding, nose on the wall, washing mouth out with soap, time out and chores. Nothing seems to be helping.
I've read books and talked with other Mom's. I've even gone so far as to watch Dr. Phil. (shudders) . I am at a loss when it comes to trying to teach my child that just because I am not watching doesn't mean you can do it. He's even admitted that he'll do something wrong just because it's easier than doing the right thing.
Am I expecting too much from a 6 year old? Do kids ever learn the rules? Is there anyway to cure this?
My Mom said that the only way for kids to do something instantly is to hit them or make them terrified. Well, I niether want my son to fear me or to hit him. But this is an on going battle that jsut doesn't seem to be getting any better.
There are other factors that seem to cause problems, like his father. ZXay usually lives with his father which is a very very diffrent enviorment than my house. If no other thing is diffrent, they have his father's whole family living there. From Grandma down. In a three bedroom house that's kinda crowded. With two med. dogs and three cats. That's a whole lot of people watching out for the kids, and well, they don't.
Actually I can't say that for sure. I only know what my son has told me and the only thing I will say about them is they have a very diffrent style to parenting.
I am at a loss with how to deal with this or make him understand that every morning sucks for both of us because he's done something else. I don't like punishing my kid but at the same point I'm not going to let him get away with everything. I fear that if I just let one thing slide that will be the end and there will be no other choice but to go through this every morning. I keep hopeing that one day i will wake up and not have to punish my son and we can start our day with school work and then playing like normal. Does that ever really happen??? I thought it did but now I'm wondering. I thought it would be diffrent with my son than it was for me growing up. I had tons of siblings and then extras. The older ones always had to look after the younger ones. I was second oldest. We always were keeping everyone in line.
I thought with all the extra attention the one child gets it would be diffrent and he would be able to know the rules and even though I know that at times they will be broken because he's a child, I didn't think every morning it's be the same thing.
I'm still really confused. I'm at a loss for what to do and in everything I know that I have great kid. He's jsut a little dense sometimes. But then again, all kids are.

on Aug 08, 2005
Little whip,
I can take your trashing me all the time but you go after my son and I'm going to respectfully ask you this time to shut the fuck up and not look at my sight anymore. I'm sick of you!
on Aug 09, 2005
Little Whip,
You're right you didn't really attack him and I'm sorry for saying you did. But I have a question for you, do you have no life that you have to go around and just put people you don't know down???? You're always on different peoples sites trashing them. Always. Can't you build up even a little bit???? Are you that bitter and sad?

The things I have said about my son were out of love and humor. Not out of spite like everything you say seems to come out. Please respect my request and stop commenting if you're always going to be negitive. I'm tierd of biteing back my temper with you. And yes, there are days that you do make some good points but from what I have seen but those are few and far between.
Thank you!
on Aug 09, 2005
Here's a thought: how about you get up before he does? That'd solve a lot of your problems. He's 6, he's not mature enough (obviously) to be left unattended. And yeah, he is being left unattended if you're sleeping. When my kids were small I'd set my alarm clock and get up before they did. When they got older the rule was that if they got up before my alarm went off they were to come and wake me before they went downstairs or into the kitchen.

You say that he knows the rules because he can recite them to you, but being able to repeat them parrot fashion doesn't mean he understands them. My kids know what the rules are around here, but more importantly they know WHY the rules are there.

You mom sounds like the reason this country has to have a child protection service. Christ on a cracker, if you're having to terrify or hit your kid in order to get them to behave...then you're failing as a parent.

I think a big part of your problem is that there's a lack of continuity. He gets treated one way his dad's place, then he comes to you and you treat him differently nad have different standards for him. Kids need structure and same-ness and I don't think that he's getting enough.

As for the 'did I birth an idiot' comment - well, that's shameful. If that's the way you talk to him at home then it's no wonder he's acting the way he is.

One more thing: You're not really homeschooling him, are you? You mentioned getting up and doing school work, and that bothers me. Your spelling is pretty bad; I'd hate to think that you were passing that on to your kid.
on Aug 09, 2005
It could also be spite, he could be acting out in spite because of the lack of continuity in his life, which is something you need to work with his father about. There needs to be a set standard of rules between the homes, and a set style of disapline. Children NEED continuity in rules, and routines.

So to start with, consistantly get up half an hour before he does, every day and enjoy the "me" time it gives you. It also gives you a chance to get yourself woken up and alert to his needs when he gets up. I know if I accidently sleep in, my kids will do things they know is wrong, just because I'm not there to watch them.

Work with his father on establishing rules for both homes. Even if you need to come to a happy meadium on this, it's important and it shows to your son that both of his parents love him enough to have these rules.

If the behavior is ongoing after this is implimented (like 3+ months, then you should consider counceling.

good luck
on Aug 10, 2005

Hmm...LW's allegations sparked my interest, so I went back and read all of your articles. 

What an interesting life you've lived, huh?  Hard to believe that all that could have happened to one person.  Very hard to believe.  So hard to believe, in fact, that I think you're fibbing....and that's not nice. 

Have you ever heard of Baron Von Munchausen?  Perhaps you ought to go find out about him.....

on Aug 10, 2005
Just to answer the question over my husband. 124th infintry in the 25th bragade. 92 yankee.
I hope that answers that and if you all would pass that on. Thanks!
on Aug 10, 2005
Now that the question of my husband is answered. Yes my son is being home schooled, yes I did go through two years of college, and my spelling sucks and no I am not his teacher. His Grandmother is. She has a degree. We (my son and I) do work books while he is with me.
None of what I have said is a lie. Hate to disappoint. If you choose not to believe me that's your chioce. Can't change that. I have done many things and had many horrible things happen to me. Most were my fault. Like that drugs and gangs and living on the street. Like being a slut and drinking far too much.
I have since cleaned up my life and am doing much better. The "Sob Stories" were for the people that had asked. And if you don't believe about the molestation look on the Utah state web site. It's all in there. His name was Doug Willette.
I think that's about all that needs to be said. Thank you all for your comments! It's been interesting at best.
on Aug 10, 2005
So, your (estranged?)husband's a Quartermaster...you guys live in Kansas? Is this your first duty station? What do you think about Ft. Riley?

Did you mean that your husband's 6th BCT, part of the 25th ID? My husband's 25th ID.