Justs thoughts, rants, jokes, poems, and anything else I can think of to type.
On Big Brother
Published on August 11, 2005 By Steven Peaple In TV Shows
One of my Favorite things to do three times a week is go over to my Mom's and watch Big Brother. My family gets pretty into whatever we're watching. We clap and shout, groan and cry. Yea, we're weird.
We've been keeping really close tabs on this years Big Brother. When Kaysar, our favorite character, was voted off we were heart broken. Then we heard last week he might have the chance to come back. Woo hoo! Oh yea! It was America's choice. All of america got to vote on the net or a cell phone for who they wanted to come back.
After 6 hours and about 6 hundred votes I was still worried. Eric was the one I thought would come back. Eric is a firefighter from Vegas. He always talks about honor and trust and he's back stabbed more players than anyone and has no honor to speak of. I despise him!!!! With all the true loathing of someone watching a reality program. He's currently still my least favorite player. And that's saying alot considering he's been gone for three weeks. You would think I've found someone else to hate by now.
Anyway back to Hottie Kaysar!!! My goodness he is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! He's Iraqi and very muslum. (I hope I didn't screw that up too badly.) He's got a great mind and I wish I could have half an hour just to talk to him. Yes, I truely mean Talk. No funny business. Not that I would mind but.............., I'm not his type.
He's back! He's back! He's back!!!! Yay!!! Now things will be put back to rights. Maggie will be going soon. And Ivette. Yay! I wanted so badly to like Ivette when she came into the house. She is a lesbian and very out spoken. Perfect combo except for one thing, she's Eric's lacky. Yucky!!!!!! Oh well! Time to say bye Ivette.
Well, I just wanted to get out my excitement.

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